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Friday, June 1, 2012

Weeks 31 & 32

Week 31 was a challenge for us because Briana's mom was in the hospital. Instead of three workouts that week, we only had two. We accomplished quite a bit in the two workouts, so I felt good about the week. I was able to collect several nutritious meals for Briana, so I knew that she was mainly sticking with her healthy eating habits. I also new that there were neighbors offering help and providing meals. I felt confident that we could get through the week without Briana losing progress or gaining weight. Week 32 was our weigh-in week. Briana was eager and excited. She was hoping for five pounds, because she really wanted to be at her 50 pound goal. As we went to the scale, I was happy to see her enthusiasm and tried to be optimistic. I must confess that I had my doubts about this weigh-in. Can I tell you how surprised I was when Briana got on the scale and she had lost THREE more pounds? That's right, THREE more pounds lost! During a week of stress, undocumented meals, and a few meals of spaghetti and meatballs and mashed potatoes (offered lovingly by her neighbors), Briana lost three pounds. This takes her total weight loss to 48 pounds. She was thrilled and I was, too. "Only two more pounds," she exclaimed when I told her the news. "That's right, Briana," I replied. "Keep up the great work!" The next two days of workouts were rocky. On Wednesday, she broke down ten minutes into her treadmill warm up. She never asked to stop, she just cried and walked. "I want to see my mom," she sobbed. "I miss her so much." My heart broke in two. I could see how worried she was about her mom. I told her that when she finished her time on the treadmill we could sit and talk. "I will give you some water and a tissue and we will talk about it," I said. "And a hug," she replied. "What was that Briana?" I asked. (Sometimes I have a hard time understanding her words and the sobs made it more difficult). "A HUG," she repeated. "For sure, Briana. I will give you water, a tissue, and a hug and we will talk about your mom," I replied. "Okay. Hug first," she told me. She finished her 15 minutes and we sat on the sofa together. I hugged her and she sobbed. I gave her a tissue and listened and told her that we would work through everything together. I told her we had to believe that her mom would get well and be back home soon. "Briana, it's important that you keep working hard and getting strong and healthy for your mom. She needs you to be healthy right now," I told her. This seemed to fuel her energy. She dried her tears and got straight to work. She was in great spirits and positive. "I'm doing good today!" she would exclaim every so often. "Yes, you are doing an awesome job today. I am so proud of you," I told her over and over again. At the end of the workout, Briana asked me to say a prayer for her and her mom. "Dear God, please watch over Briana and her mom. Help her mom get strong and healthy so that she can be at home with Briana, and bless Briana with peace and strength while her mom is in the hospital. Amen."